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A True Champion.
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A True Champion.
Posted by philk (VIP) 1 Jan 2010 2:29pm

Congratulations to Phoenix Riser for winning top spot for the month of December. We should all play the way he does, give everyone a chance regardless of their rank or rating. We all made it to the top by someone else giving us the chance to get there so don't forget that when a lower ranked player wants a game. Congrats Phoenix Riser, you are A True Champion. PhilK.

Nicely Put
Posted by cowgirl73160 1 Jan 2010 3:56pm

I dont know people on the ladder really. But I have been reading this and this is the nicest post I have read here in a long time. It is nice to say such good things about people.

true champion
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 1 Jan 2010 6:02pm

Yes I agree Phoenix is a true CHAMPION CONGRATULATION she does play everyone no matter without challenge and does give everyone a chance to the top you are A True Champion , from a good friend

I Agree
Posted by Heatherrose (VIP) 1 Jan 2010 8:22pm

I agree wholeheartedly with Philk - he is a gentlemen. He plays me nearly every day whether I am rated 1400 or 1800. He makes me laugh too - can't get much better that this wonderful Aussie. Cheers to you mate.

Thank You Very Much
Posted by Phoenix_Riser_CL (VIP) 2 Jan 2010 6:50am

Thank you both very much. As I did do my best to play everyone who asked and others who didnt ask and everyone i could while online, it does mean a lot that you wrote this as others did not want to see it the way it was. Thank you again. Alan. And Phil you are a true gentleman and a pleasure to play, and Heather matie you are a darling and good fun to play. Thank you to you both.

Posted by Goldfrapp70 (VIP) 3 Jan 2010 7:35am

i think this all has to do with the main forum - of which the subject remains outstanding - the number 1 ranking should play rank threatening games more often, not wait until last minute. Earn the number 1 spot not just protect it at whatever means.

Way to go philk
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 3 Jan 2010 8:13am

Frist time I have seen something good on here about some one that was # 1 for a month. Most try to tear them down instead. We all have to remember that we also have another life to live besides just GC. At times it is hard to fit it all in.

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