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sportsmanship and fairness within top 5 in ladder - please communicate your willingness to follow
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sportsmanship and fairness within top 5 in ladder - please communicate your willingness to follow
Posted by
(VIP) 31 Dec 2009 1:12am
In November, 3 people shared the number 1 spot for most of the month. Each day they played the other top players, including whoever was sitting in #2 spot. The prevalence of this was there no need for challenges and, thus, no need for people to keep going to GC re. challenges removed etc etc. All the players agreed this resulted, and some posts were even made, that everyday was exciting as a result. Harmony and enjoyment were the predominant feelings of the top 10 ladder players, not fighting to get games in. Unfortunately this month the #1 seed played on only 5 days against whoever was number 2 out of a possible 16 days - i.e. 11 days did not. A solution for this, and to keep the top slot fair and open to all and fluidity within the top 5, would be that the top 5 (or 10) need to play daily against each other. It would be a lovely introduction to a new year if all us regular top 10 players, if reaching number 1 (or top 5), would as a matter of course play whoever is also in top 5 (or #2) daily? This agreemnet between ourselves would necessitate playing one ladder rung under you daily - not every 6 days or only under pressure of challenges. To me this seems an emphatically simple, honest and trusting way forward in providing a solution to the evidently prevalent and predominant need to resolve fairness, equity and respect within the top 10. Otherwise it is just not cricket is it? Anyone for tennis?
ladder this month
Posted by
(VIP) 31 Dec 2009 10:42am
I agree with this top 5 players should play everyone without us having to challenge them all no 1 , 2 to 5 play each other without challenge and then they leave most of the and we are left with no one to play so I agree ladder rank should be every 2 days not 6 days and top 10 should be able to play other than each other every day this is the same as last month no change
Posted by
(VIP) 31 Dec 2009 11:20am
obviously this agreement between ourselves only applies if both on-line at the same time. All i mean is to not dally and dodge, but just play the top 10 people who are also on-line as a matter of course and immediately. If 3 people are on-line and you are only on for one game then play the highest ranking, not the lowest, as otherwise unfair tactics are being employed to displace one's immediate threat.
that is not fair
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Jan 2010 6:44am
I disagree with that. As where is the fairness for all players - you are keeping the top 5 in the top 5 having to play each other, whatabout the people in the 20's and 30's and new players. It is not for just an elite few but for everyone. I played sometimes over 10 games in a day to try to spread it around for all, and not jsut the same players in top 10 all the time or top 20 but whatever rating and whatever rank. That to me is true sportsmanship and fair play. Play your rank game and also your challenges and try to fit in time to play all who ask. Maybe rank games could be changed from every 6 days to every 5 days or 4 days.
Posted by
1 Jan 2010 9:22am
I agree with everything you have said. But the point of the fact is people still pick and choose who they play and when they want to play them.
There was a time where we all wanted what you are saying, but when the 1st person who couldn't/wouldn't play another top ladder player, someone's feelings got hurt and it turned again into a few only playing a few to keep top slot.
I, for one, think ALL ladder players in Top 5 should have to play anyone else in Top 20 if they are online together. This would prioritize itself by 1st invites. When you receive invites, play the person at the top of the invite list. Make the people in Top 20 a different color(green) so that you don't have to check if they are Top 20.
This would illeviate all hard feelings and would create fair play for EVERYONE.
If you don't want to play in ladder or in ranked games, then play unrated games for fun. But keeping those from trying to earn top ladder spot is just wrong.
Happy New Year everyone.
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Jan 2010 10:22am
I agree. This month was the very worst for getting a game with some of the top players without a challenge.
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Jan 2010 12:49pm
In order for any of this to work...ALL players have to be fair to everyone...and as long as any player feels they can treat another player with disrespect, then challenges will still be the way to get a game...SPORTSMANSHIP and COURTESY seem to be missing... JJ
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Jan 2010 3:55pm
I guess thempoint is there has been consternation and discussion this month at the lack of movemebt of #1. The very fact there IS this talk means there IS a problem so let us try and resolve it. All other positions change daily as matter of course (e.g. if #1 plays and loses to #4, then all those positions change excepting #1). It is very easy to maintain #1 position for 6 days at a time. All i am saying is December there was evident lack of #1 playing #2 and hence stagantion. What am suggesting is fair and easy - if both on line #1 and #2 play as soon as can and daily if both there. This will then ensure the top 5 has fluidity and thus the whole ladder does also. What is point of just maintaining #1 by playing a rank threat game every 6 days? Where is the competition and fun in that? If the top 2 play daily it ensures the top 5 will automatcially keep changing and this in itself then will mean complete movement, fairness and competetion to all in whole ladder.
I do really think it should just be a sportsmanlike agreement between ourselves that #1 plays #2 as much as possible... and this means if all top 5 on line they play #2 first. By dodging and playing #3 or #4 first then this could easily mean never playing #2 apart from every 6 days when have too. Indeed this is what happened to #1 seed in december - a ladder rank reduction for top 10 inactiviy...i.e. no game was even played in 6 days against the #2 seed.
I agree
Posted by
(VIP) 2 Jan 2010 7:10am
I know that the times when I was at #1 I played everyone in top 20 whenever I saw them on. I often invited the members of top 5 directly to my table when I saw them come on to have a game. I had a thrill being #1 taking this approach for several days in a row. Wish this could be the same with all of us.
Posted by
(VIP) 2 Jan 2010 8:23am
Well said Apple - it is exciting to deserve the #1 spot and not do everything to maintain and protect it.
Enjoy the game of canasta
Posted by
(VIP) 2 Jan 2010 9:16am
Enjoy the game of cansata, and try to play as many as possible like Adam and others posted. Have fun and put bad feelings in the past, and look forward to a great New Year, on the ladder and playing the game of canasta.
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