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Play canasta tournaments online
It's now:   Mar 25, 6:26pm EST

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 23 Dec 2009 2:28pm

why make tournaments so early and why not today tomorrow is xmas eve and a lot of people wont be on and today we are on some players cant get on before 9 am

Time Differences
Posted by PEGASUS (moderator) 24 Dec 2009 8:16am

Spicii set early tourneys hoping that some of our players "across the pond" would be able to play. GameColony is joined by many in different parts of the world, and we have many players whos time difference make it difficult for them to play EST time. All we can do is try and Spicii certainly has done that.

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 27 Dec 2009 1:13pm

I try to make it to as many of the Canasta Tourney's as I can and Spicii does a great job of hosting. There is one going on right now with 9 players - was supposed to be 10 but someone did not show who had signed up.

Hope to see more in the New Year !!!

Posted by Goldfrapp70 (VIP) 28 Dec 2009 5:49am

indeed Spicii is great and hosts many.... however, when comparing canasta with Gin rummy, for example, where there are more tourneys than one can pop out a brussel sprout, why is it that only spicii hosts for canasta?!
surely if there were more people who do host there would be more tourneys....

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Play canasta tournaments online

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