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Posted by mami_love (VIP) 10 Nov 2009 11:01am

would like to know where is the sportmanship in this game some players think you have to be friends to play a game its a card game, why do we have to ask someone thats sitting on waiting or on idle and they either ignore you or leave and then you challenged them and they put notes in challenge I invited you and you left and so and all the time they are the one that did ignore you and left earlier whats the use of this . Players its a game one that I enjoy playing wish everyone would think its a lovely game when everyone plays each other for fun and good competition ty

Posted by Bena2 (VIP) 12 Nov 2009 3:43am

Yes. Isn't it awful when people don't play you when you invite them! And then they want to be your friend and even want you to talk to them on email........but when they get ahead of you on the ladder......they don't want to play you and just send you awful emails. Its just shocking!
Pot Kettle Black

Posted by blkjag7 12 Nov 2009 10:43pm

Some of the players doing the talking about playing for fun are the ones that are doing the opposite and only playing people when they are above them on the ladder. If you enjoy the game so much why don't you play when those same players are below you on the ladder. Thank You to those that play the game regardless of a persons status, they are the true ones that just enjoy a good competitive, fun game!

Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 13 Nov 2009 7:03am

It seems to me that some players forget to just say hi, game pls, to a player that is higher on the ladder

Be Fair!!!
Posted by Menew (VIP) 13 Nov 2009 8:20am

Sportmanship seems to leave alot of players when they reach the top it ladder would be nice if everyone played fair, but some don't, a few players belong in the top 10, because of thier honesty and fairness to everyone, but those select few who don't answer challenges or continually play people below a player who has been asking for game do not belong at the top of the ladder...

could be
Posted by LosingIsPainful-cl 14 Nov 2009 7:08am

It could be ladder fever, the higher you get the more "friends" you get unless you are me nobody likes me regardless ) It could also be game style selected and ranking that makes a difference. If rank and ladder games could be seperated that would help and one type of game to play for ladder....say ladder is 3000 2-2-2 3f or whatever. Table settings stop others from playing, I have lots of people who dont like my game and won't play. I will not play 500 pt 2-2-2 (UGH) Also, if I am 1800 and a player is 1321 and wants a ladder game, it has to be rated as well. Losing ladder to anyone is no big deal, but losing like 80 points rating just to give the ladder option stinks. Anyone can beat anyone, thats what makes the game fun, HOPEFULLY keeps the ladder shifting as it should and not the same people, everyday, every month.

In other words...... Etc Etc Etc

Posted by philk (VIP) 14 Nov 2009 8:51pm

I just want to ask why is it when you want to play a top 10 player you always have to challenge them to get a game!!! When I was on top last month I played everyone no matter what... Funny how people seem to forget quite quickly.I guess that was why people enjoyed the month of October. Thanks everyone who said it was enjoyable for a change....

Rating and Rank
Posted by philk (VIP) 16 Nov 2009 6:54pm

Et Cetera, your rating or your rank should not matter,we all should play everyone regardless of their rating or rank. This should be a fun site where everyone gets a fair shot at #1.If your rating is 1800 and someone beats you with a 1400 rating............SO WHAT. Its only a game. GLall in November.

maybe this will stick
Posted by LosingIsPainful-cl 18 Nov 2009 5:39am

This is a game, it is a competition of skill, thats why I come here. How you play the game and who you play is up to you, good luck with that. I prefer to play someone within a rnage of my ranking, thats my choice. The ladder is a product of playing whom I feel is the best, but the ladder does not reflect soley skill. It's a matter of being in the right place, at the right time, and having those above you willing to play you. One can play the #5 , #4, #3, #2 and lose them all, play #1 and win, have a 1-5 record and still be ranked high..not indicative of overall skill. Id love to play you, in fact I have challenged you, asked several times, but ofcourse it would be unrated...JUST kidding philly

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 21 Nov 2009 6:12pm

was reading forum and I thnk some of you dont know the definition of sportmanship here it is in dictionary: sportmanship is conformance to the rules, spirit and etiquette

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