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Our deepest sympathy
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Our deepest sympathy
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Sep 2009 11:50pm
I heard from Linda earlier today, and she told me that Nicole's mom passed away this evening.
Nicole, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! It's always hard when you lose someone close to you, and I am sure losing a parent is even harder to deal with.
Our deepest sympathy
Posted by
(VIP) 23 Sep 2009 8:03am
Nic My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this trying time. May God hold you in His arms. There is no deeper pain than the loss of a loved one. DDS
my deepest sympathy
Posted by
23 Sep 2009 10:36am
Nicole you have my thoughts and prayers as you go thru this difficult time in your life. Mom sure lived a long and happy life. Keep all those fond memories of her close to your heart. Love Linda
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Sep 2009 2:37pm
Nicole, I am so very sorry for your loss. May God comfort you and your family in your time of sorrow.
sympathy thank
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Sep 2009 9:32am
want to thank Dana, Shar, Linda and Tom for the kinds words in a moment I needed it thankyou very much for your prayers for mom , Nicole
Posted by
27 Sep 2009 5:47pm
Bernic, I dont know you but I feel for you and your family at this time. I lost my father March 10, 2009 from alzheimers.
Posted by
(VIP) 29 Sep 2009 4:12pm
ty for your kind word and I am sorry for your lost too yes its hard times ty Lisa Nicole
Posted by
(VIP) 7 Oct 2009 6:44pm
Nicole, I know we've had our differences, but I'd like you to know that I'm thinking of you.
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