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It's now: Mar 20, 2:00am EST |
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Aug 2009 1:29pm
How come players who prefer 8 ball complain about 9 ball so much? No one forced you to play. But when you lose all of sudden you need to let the world know " this isn't my game "....Then they feel the need to make a point that 8 ball is so much better of a game then 9...This might seem petty, but it's annoying me. Please someone explain to me in detail how 8 Ball is such a better show of talent then 9 ball...TY and please don't say your a good player because your good in 8 ball. Its a all around game thing..
8 ball
Posted by
24 Aug 2009 8:40pm
8 ball involves more skill the 9 ball all u got to do is hit 9 ball in to win when in 8 ball u have to make all 7 of ur balls b4 the 8 ball......9 ball would be better if the had a call pocket setting for it!
Both Equal
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Aug 2009 9:56pm
I think it depends on how many pts you play.
More pts the match is in 9....more it shows skill, same with 8
But someone saying they can't play 9..i mean its pretty fun, they're both fun.
Being good at 9 can only help your 8, and vice versa
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Aug 2009 9:46pm
I can understand a person knocking the 9 in to win....And the opponent not shooting....But knocking the 8 in and losing while your opponent doesn't shoot....hmmmm Seem pretty opposite but even.
Posted by
(VIP) 26 Aug 2009 9:24am
How that mind of urs works!!!! Can I keep u?
9 all the way !!!
Posted by
(VIP) 26 Aug 2009 3:29pm
I used to play nothing but 8. I didn't like 9 at all because someone could get a lucky win and you'd see people just hit and hope the 9 would find it's way.
Nowadays I much more prefer to play 9, there is still the luck factor but as already stated above, you play more points to the match, you have to be pretty good to get lucky in all the games. If you want to eliminate the luck altogether then play 9 ball bank.... simples!
They both involve a different skill to master, so I don't think you can really compare them, it just all depends on how you like to play.
I find it a lot easier to do plants on 9 because it don't matter what ball is potted so you have a lot more choice instead of there being only one option to go for.
But each to their own. Mix it up a little and play both. If all you play is 8, then 9 obviously wouldn't be your game, and more to the point, is never likely to be either.
i admit
Posted by
26 Aug 2009 7:14pm
i hold my hands up i have been known 2 make them same excuses myself cos u build ur points up in 8 ball and c them dissapear in a fluke, it is born out of frustration in the heat of the moment. but these players who constantly play 9 and keep a very good average have got 2 be excellent players, they r just as much septible as flukes as the rest of us are and who is 2 say they wouldnt even greater there score if they played 8 ball in my opinion their is more skill apllied in 9 than there is in 8
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Aug 2009 11:05am
I agree with ya " cantwinagame "
8 or 9
Posted by
(VIP) 29 Aug 2009 1:04am
Im just good at both
Bring it on!!!!!
Posted by
29 Aug 2009 11:15pm
Your insecurity has always been the reason I luv you so! XOXOXOX
Posted by
30 Aug 2009 1:39pm
GC Geeks
Posted by
6 Sep 2009 11:37am
imo 9 is the more challenging game. you have only a single ball to position your next shot with, compared to up to seven balls in 8.
Posted by
6 Sep 2009 11:42am
ok make that six...
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According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.