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Stop Crying..
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Stop Crying..
Posted by Hizz_JustPracticeAct (VIP) 21 Aug 2009 4:35pm

Are you guys serious? lol....JT you said that people complain about ladder challenges..? ....when has that happened...I hardly ever see them...and to the other players who say there here just to have fun and then whine about people rejecting games, just play someone else....the top 20 is dead....only about 5 people there actually play day to day...I think the ladder is fine....i don't see people turn down games...maybe because im ranked in top 5, but still i can make a account today and have it in top 10 tommorrow....there's only about 25 people in pool hall max and that is a rare sight to see.....I personally play anyone as long as there registered..for my personal goal of win %...I think there is another problem....I see a lot of blues that never play ticket a little lol

Posted by jtravis1964 (VIP) 21 Aug 2009 6:03pm

lol i geuss so

Live a little ..... Exactly
Posted by DaNDaRuFF (VIP) 21 Aug 2009 7:45pm

Just on the blue name thing first off, I do play ticket games and tournaments from time to time, but if I'm honest, I just like the colour lol

I'd like to see people live a little, instead of taking the ladder so seriously too. People really need to give some low rank players atleast an opportunity to climb it. If the drop from losing to a low rating is a concern then a non rated ladder game is an option.
It never used to be this way, but I guess all things change with time.

Anyway let me see some people take a few risks during gameplay, all I see is straight forward shots. Yes so ok you might have a good shot with it being very accurate and good control, but do you know your way round the table is the question? lol

I go out of my way to entertain here, my rating and stats are feeling the blunt end of that but I'm not too bothered.
Let me see more plants and banks. I've been practicing a lot on mine lately and it's paying off. I'm even throwing games because of it.

I'm currently working on a trademark shot lol
How many of you have one of them?
It's a bank from one end of the table, off the side cushion on into the the opposite corner pocket. Very impressive and trickier than a middle pocket bank with equal positioning on the table.
Also working on long distance plants.

One thing about this game I used to believe was, if you can see the ball then you can pot it.
Not anymore, now I think you don't even have to be able to see the ball to pot it.
Anything is possible.

nice post
Posted by jtravis1964 (VIP) 22 Aug 2009 8:30am

nice,and you are correct

Play play play
Posted by RiverCity 22 Aug 2009 10:44am

What do ya'll think about this......... if someone invites you, PLAY!

For those of you who have yet to learn how to win or lose gracefully, go play with yourselves!

It's a game, for Pete's sake! May you do well in REAL LIFE!

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