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Backgammon Ladder Rules change: Formal Challenges
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Backgammon Ladder Rules change: Formal Challenges
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 19 Aug 2009 11:47am

Due to multiple requests from Ladder players, formal challenges are now more strict - they have to be met within 48 hours instead of 7 days and the penalty for avoiding a formal challenge is now increased to 8 rungs.
This rule assures that Top Twenty players do not evade Ladder challenges.

Full Challenge-related paragraph from Ladder Rules:

In addition to arranging your Ladder games informally within a game room, Top Twenty players can use a formal Challenge functionality in the Ladder area. Any Top Twenty player can issue a formal challenge to any other Top Twenty player. Formal challenges have to be accepted within 48 hours or less, otherwise the ranking of a challenged player will be automatically reduced by 8 rungs.

Formal challenges are viewable by all and may contain notes/messages/negotiations between the challenger and the challenged. Such notes will serve as a record of 'good will' on the part of the Challenged player who will have 48 hours to meet the challenge. Both the challenger and the Ladder administrator may withdraw the standing challenge at any time. Once the ladder game between the challenger & the challenged players is played, the standing challenge is automatically removed. There will be a penalty for issuing frivolous challenges without the demonstrated intent to play them.
There can be no more than 3 formal challenges issued to one player at the same time. No player can issue more than one formal challenge at a time.

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