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Software Changes for Canasta I'd like t
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Software Changes for Canasta I'd like t
Posted by aFUNtime (VIP) 15 Aug 2009 8:35am

At the end of a hand when the cards are exposed, it would be much better if the cards were organized by rank not suit (eg. put all the 5's together, not all the hearts together). This would save some time in analysis when a hand ends.

software changes I'd like to see...
Posted by Upsydaizie 15 Aug 2009 9:19pm

That would be a good change. Another change would be to make the game more challenging by NOT showing what cards are being picked up in a pile. It takes a lot more skill to remember the cards that were put into the pile.
Also don't show how many wilds were used in the opponents canasta. It takes more skill to remmeber this( and to try to figure it out in the cases where a canasta was put down all at one time.)

software changes....
Posted by Upsydaizie 15 Aug 2009 9:23pm

...also...don't show the amount of ANY cards used in a canasta.

i disagree
Posted by MrTimmy (VIP) 17 Aug 2009 11:44pm

i think that it should remain same and show wilds used in canasta's and card's used to make canasta's. If u were playing in real life u can see how many wilds were used.. so why change the game. If it didnt show the wilds used you would never know what was left no matter how skillful u think u r, or how much u pay attention. please keep game the same as it is in real life.

Posted by MrTimmy (VIP) 17 Aug 2009 11:45pm

oh ya i do like afuntime's suggestion. would make more sense.

sofware changes
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 18 Aug 2009 7:34am

I think it should remain like in real life.

Software changes
Posted by DDSSHAR (VIP) 18 Aug 2009 10:41am

I agree with Afuntime. It is confusing when cards are arranged by suit


Another change: Create Table Defaults by player
Posted by aFUNtime (VIP) 19 Aug 2009 12:52pm

When I create a table, 90% of the time I set it the same way. Why not save every player's table creation defaults. That would save a lot of clicking time when starting a game, and we might up spending more $$ with the colonly! It's a win-win situation.

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 19 Aug 2009 1:00pm

I back funtime's suggestion too.

Funtime suggestion
Posted by nic2185__ 19 Aug 2009 1:48pm

and what would that change the hand is over by then

funtimes suggestion..
Posted by Upsydaizie 20 Aug 2009 8:12am

Yes, arranging them by suite makes much more sense. It's easier & faster to see what your opponent was holding- (and to then get a feel for how your opponent plays- to answer nics' question)
As far as showing how many wilds are in a canasta, aFUNtime is right, you CAN see how many wilds are in a canasta in real life. BUT what you CAN'T see in a real life game, is WHAT cards are being picked up from the pile.
It would be more of a challenging game, not to be able to see the cards being picked up from the pile, and to have to remember them-just as you would in real life. (and other game sites as well)

table defaults
Posted by Upsydaizie 20 Aug 2009 8:17am

I agree with is VER annoying to have to reset the same game over and over. There should be a button that says " save as default "

Thank you
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 20 Aug 2009 11:49am

Thank you for all your suggestions. I will review them with my software team. If you have any other ideas please feel free to submit them via Contact Us link.

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