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PoolLegend vs Violets 50 game challege
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PoolLegend vs Violets 50 game challege
Posted by Smokin8s (VIP) 7 Aug 2009 8:27pm

violets and i are having a 50 game challege(25 9 ball n 25 8 ball)......the loser of the game must post in here saying that the winner (violet or i) is better then the loser (violet or i)......loser will be postin in here shortly after the game


Posted by Hizz_JustPracticeAct (VIP) 7 Aug 2009 10:54pm

Shane is better then I am....He won ( 31-19 ) I give him his props...He's great. I look forward to our 100 game rematch at the end of month...Should be even more fun.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 8 Aug 2009 10:51am

So, yes it was ENTHRALLING to watch Shane and Jimmy battle it out! They both started with the same exact rating 2036. You missed watching one of GC's best shows ever! Don't miss the e-o-m 100 pt rematch. I know I won't.

Posted by Agnus_dei 9 Aug 2009 12:47pm

Well, the score was obvious, as I said before "nice one Shane ".. and to someone who said that Shane has fans here, well if someone asked me I would call it more as friend than fan.. many here will say that he is a good dude

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