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Let's just play............
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Let's just play............
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 18 May 2009 2:24am

There are always people who moan about others being unfair in this game, but at the moment it has reached ridiculous proportions. The accusations fly. It totally spoils the game for those of us who really do try to play fair, which is why I'm spending so much less time in canasta.
Let's just try to play the game and enjoy it, before it's too late.

lets just play
Posted by nic2185__ 18 May 2009 12:59pm

I agree with you stage let s play and have fun

Posted by LosingIsPainful_cl (VIP) 29 Jun 2010 6:33am

How has this gone?

Deary me, words seem,,,,so....translucent?

lets just play
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 29 Jun 2010 4:40pm

I agree with Randy some players enjoy other pleading in challenge for game lets just play and have fun as for me Im going to forget challenging for games with players who does not want to play just play for fun ty

Forgotten words
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 30 Jun 2010 6:14pm

I guess some things never change Randy.
Nice to see you back, by the way.

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