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What's the Hardest part of Chess
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What's the Hardest part of Chess
Posted by endgame_expert 23 Nov 2008 2:31pm

Hello all, I would like to know what you chess friend's believe Imean people say different things all the times; what really is the hardest part most club spend more time learning opening theory don't they. I think the hardest part is the endgame because of all the possiblities that are occuring.

Posted by White_Phoenix 2 Aug 2009 10:08am

The easiest is the opening, you can learn it literally from a book, opening preparation is much easier today than say 50 years ago, and who knows maybe you can make a novelty!

The most exciting is the middle game, instead of technique one must have a combination of both tactics and strategy, I suppose this is the hardest once, you have become a master.

The endgame in my opinion is hardest for beginners but easier for the masters, Simply it is because of endgames that separate the amateurs from the masters...

For me> The hardest is usually the endgame as Im only around 1800ish but a mastery of endings will tranform one to a 2200! or so i am told. Endings are the line between masters and amateurs!

i agree
Posted by IndoDro 5 Aug 2009 11:38pm

Too learn many openings takes alot of skill and practice...most people stick to the same 3-4 openings, which is easy to learn. The game is usually won or lost in the middle, where all the action takes place. The end is relatively simple, however 1 wrong move will cost you the game, its more mathmatics than anything else.

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