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A quote to think about ;)
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A quote to think about ;)
Posted by Orfner 17 Aug 2008 7:47am

The most precious thing anyone can have is the good will of others. It is something as fragile as an orchid. And as beautiful! As precious as a gold nugget - and as hard to find. As powerful as a great turbine and as hard to build. As wonderful as youth. As hard to keep.

Amos Parrish

Posted by Orfner 23 Aug 2008 6:29am

Fame is what you have taken,
Character's what you give;
When to this truth you waken,
Then you begin to live.

Bayard Taylor, "Improvisations"

Posted by Orfner 29 Aug 2008 6:02am

And who are the greater criminals -- those who sell the instruments of death, or those who buy and use them?

Robert E. Sherwood, "Idiot's Delight"

Posted by Orfner 30 Aug 2008 6:52am

Cursed be the social wants that sin against the strength of youth!
Cursed be the social lies that warp us from the truth!
Cursed be the sickly forms that err from honest Nature's rule!
Cursed be the gold that gilds the straiten'd forehead of the fool!

Tennyson -- "Locksley Hall"

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