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Flowers for Andy Kynaston's funeral
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Flowers for Andy Kynaston's funeral
Posted by KillerRack (VIP) 1 Jul 2008 2:52pm

To All Andy's friends at GC:

I have ordered flowers to be sent to the funeral for Andy on Thursday, July 3.

I am trying to contact his sister via email to see if donations to either the family or some organization is possible.

Andy was a great man, true sportsman and just an all around great guy.

As I know, he has left 5 children without a dad now. I'm sure the family could use some kind of help; whatever people feel is appropriate. I know some of the players have asked "what can I do?". Once I have an answer, I will post in forum any and all information.

I hope this will help us all heal from his very sudden loss.



Posted by Orfner 1 Jul 2008 9:01pm

I can send you a 10$ money order to help with expenses Di. Sweet gesture hon

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