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I Think..........
Play pool tournaments online
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I Think..........
Posted by Smokin8s (VIP) 13 Jun 2008 6:01am

i think if we should have some tourneys with interesting settings so it could be a fair advantage for all players in the in 8 ball the setting could be*opponents pick ur 8 ball pocket*...........and in 9 ball the setting could be *all around the world* (which means on ur first shot u shoot goes into the top left corner and go clockwise if u miss then ur oppenent shoots in the pocket where u missed at and continues going clockwise)..........if anyone has any other ideas please post them here because i think it would be more fun and alot easier to the other players that have to play use top dawgs and it could possibily attract more players ).......also please give smeak ur mind and say if u would or wouldnt play the tourneys and if u think its a good idea


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