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uploading own pictures (avatars)
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uploading own pictures (avatars)
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 29 Mar 2008 9:56am

Very soon we'd fully allow registered players to show their uploaded custom icons/pictures (or avatars) of themselves to everybody in all rooms in Java & Windows games (with better graphical effects). We'd need to restart all servers for that sometime at low traffic (~4 AM)maybe early next week.

Right now, however, it is already possible to upload & show your own avatar and see it on several pages - e.g., player info for Ladder & even in some rooms e.g., Spades, Canasta.

Here's how:

(1) In Manage Account go to 'change your face' & select 'Upload your Own Picture'. (BTW you will have to wait for approval for couple of hours or so)

(2) Go to your Ladder info or Canasta room & check out that new avatar of yours in THREE different dimensions:
- the smallest - in the player list
- the medium one - on the clock when you create a table
- the biggest -- in the informational (dbl-click) dialog


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