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It's now: Mar 23, 10:56pm EST |
help plz
Posted by
23 Mar 2008 3:24pm
ive been thinkin about a few things for a long time now and i really could do with these things answering. why does super glue not stick to the inside of the tube? why does donald duck put a towel round himself when he gets out of the bath but yet he wears no trousers? why when you open a can of evaporated milk, its full? how does a man that drives a snow plow get to work? and the list goes on if anybody has any answers to these i would love to know thank you
Posted by
(VIP) 24 Mar 2008 11:42am
google it man
Posted by
24 Mar 2008 5:43pm
tried that bud they told me to stop askin such stupid questions
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Mar 2008 12:32am
Help Please !!
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Mar 2008 3:08pm
Okkkkk Eistefodd
Im really worried about you now.... u have too much time on your hands and need to visit someone who can help. I will leave u my psychiatrists address. Shes very good lol.
Oh and by the way .... answer to last question.....
His mate coming off shift picks him up with the snow plough !! silly billy how else do u think he manages. 
ps ... are we reading the same book lol lol.
well then...
Posted by
(VIP) 25 Mar 2008 4:40pm
i can answer a couple 4u.... glue needs air to set leave the lid off it will soon set in the tube & the evaporated milk its never full when i open it sumone always leaves an empty one in the fridge or it evaporates?? 
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