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11 Feb 2008 12:19pm
The history of billiards is long and very rich. The game has been played by kings and commoners, presidents, mental patients, ladies, gentlemen, and hustlers alike. It evolved from a lawn game similar to the croquet played sometime during the 15th century in Northern Europe and probably in France. Play was moved indoors to a wooden table with green cloth to simulate grass, and a simple border was placed around the edges. The balls were shoved, rather than struck, with wooden sticks called �maces�. The term �billiard� is derived from French, either from the word �billart�, one of the wooden sticks, or �bille�, a ball. The game was originally played with two balls on a six-pocket table with a hoop similar to a croquet wicket and an upright stick used as a target. During the 18th century, the hoop and target gradually disappeared, leaving only the balls and pockets. Most of our information about early billiards comes from accounts of playing by royalty and other nobles. It has been known as the �Noble Game of Billiards� since the early 1800�s, but there is evidence that people from all walks of life have played the game since its inception. In 1600, the game was familiar enough to the public that Shakespeare mentioned it in Antony and Cleopatra. Seventy-five years later, the first book of billiard rules remarked of England that there were �few Towns of note therein which hath not a publick Billiard-Table�. The cue stick was developed in the late 1600�s. When the ball lay near a rail, the mace was very inconvenient to use because of its large head. In such a case, the players would turn the mace around and use its handle to strike the ball. The handle was called a �queue�- meaning �tail�- from which we get the word �cue�. For a long time, only men were allowed to use the cue; women were forced to use the mace because it was felt they were more likely to rip the cloth with the sharper cue. Tables originally had flat vertical walls for rails and their only function was to keep the balls from falling off. They resembled riverbanks and even used to be called �banks�. Players discovered that balls could bounce off the rails and began deliberately aiming at them. Thus a �bank shot� is one in which a ball is made to rebound from a cushion as part of the shot.
Billiard equipment improved rapidly in England after 1800, largely because of the Industrial Revolution. Chalk was used to increase friction between the ball and the cue stick even before cues had tips. The leather cue tip, with which a player can apply side-spin to the ball, was perfected by 1823. Visitors from England showed Americans how to use spin, which explains why it is called �English� in the United States but nowhere else. (The British themselves refer to it as �side�). The two-piece cue arrived in 1829. Slate became popular as a material for table beds around 1835. Goodyear discovered vulcanization of rubber in 1839 and by 1845 it was used to make billiard cushions. By 1850, the billiard table had essentially evolved into its current form.
The dominant billiard game in Britain from about 1770 until the 1920�s was English Billiards, played with three balls and six pockets on a large rectangular table. A two-to-one ratio of length to width became standard in the 18th century. Before then, there were no fixed table dimensions. The British billiard tradition is carried on today primarily through the game of Snooker, a complex and colorful game combining offensive and defensive aspects and played on the same equipment as English Billiards but with 22 balls instead of three. The British appetite for Snooker is approached only by the American passion for baseball; it is possible to see a Snooker competition every day in Britain. Hope all you enjoyed
Posted by
(VIP) 15 Feb 2008 11:25am
Fascinating stuff there.
Posted by
(VIP) 17 Feb 2008 5:56am
i love history thx 4 the information
Posted by
23 Feb 2008 10:29am
well researched and very informative.well done miss bird. remember me?
Posted by
27 Feb 2008 6:05pm
WELL, I want to thank you for your input, and I am glad to hear that you guys appreciate this kind of information. It was a pleasure to share it with you all, and mister mysterio i remember you. thanks again and god bless you all
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According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.