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Play pool tournaments online
It's now: Mar 28, 3:26pm EST |
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Feb 2008 12:05pm
I alway's hear some of the lower ranked players complaining about how they can't get higher ranked players to play them. Just the other day I had a lower ranked player invite me to plat - I accepted - and then that person accused me of playing them just to run up my score. What that person does'nt understand is that it would take 4 or 5 wins by me to get back the points lost to them by 1 ( lucky or not ) win. I personally don't care about the points, but i did not want to play that person anymore because they just took all the fun out of it. If you really want to play higher ranked players try choosing 8-ball or at least multi-game 9-ball, it cut's down on the luck factor. And really ppl. try just having fun with the game - if you ain't having fun ur in the wrong place.
lower rank
Posted by
(VIP) 12 Feb 2008 1:23pm
I agree with obx i too have entered rooms with lower rank ppl only to be rejected, I have also invited lower rank but they don't come , and like obx says a lucky win wipes out 50 hard earned pts were as the win only get 3 pts , play the skill game and learn , remember we all were lower rank when we started
Posted by
13 Feb 2008 1:12am
and I move all the time between rank of 1490 to 1750 LOL.. hope it means that I do am here for fun cheers guys 
he he
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Feb 2008 11:06am
nice post
Posted by
(VIP) 14 Feb 2008 7:59pm
I do agree with what you're all saying here.I know it can get a little annoying when you're close to beating that all time best rating and it drops down again. Rating should be nothing to go by though. A low rating doesn't mean that a person will play badly, just as a high rating doesn't mean a person will play good. Some people play for rating, others play for ladder ranking. Some have no interest in either and just play for the enjoyment of the game. I like to take all these things into consideration and see every opponent as a new challenge. The thing I enjoy most is the understanding and mastering the control of the shot that I have on the table at that time after every shot. Waiting for my opponent to make a mistake while I wonder if I'll get that next chance or is the game already over. I've been playing here a few years now and still have a great deal to learn, I make way too many mistakes. It's not all about the winning, although it is nice. It's not about the losing, which can be frustrating at times, especially when you think you could have played a better game and remember with two people at the table, one of them has to play that role. We all make mistakes and that means it can be anyones game. The best advice has got to be learn from your mistakes and your game will improve. So if someone wipes my rating out or denies me climbing the ranks, then so be it, it was never meant to be, time to move on to the next chance and the next challenge. Getting upset over a loss and keeping note on who you will and won't play can only mean bad news. I'm not trying to explain the game to you three, I know that isn't needed,you three are very good players and I don't think I'm good enough to be giving you advice, I wouldn't want to be responsible for ruining your game play anyway hehehe  Just sharing my views for others reading this.
awwwww :)
Posted by
15 Feb 2008 11:12am
awwwww DaN ty ty.. but hey whats truth dont need to be said.. U will always find someone who will disagree with you and yes we three know that you are fully right  BTW ty for the "very good player" LMAO 
Cheers, Marg 
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Play pool tournaments online
At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!.
According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.