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Play dominoes tournaments online
It's now:   Mar 17, 12:11pm EST

Posted by Redy (TD) 26 Jan 2008 10:29am

I am Redy, a new TD and am hosting my first Doms tourney at 1.00pm EST today (100 block); inviting all to come and lets have a big old bones party.
Cu there.


+5 Bones or BLOCK or Draw?
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 7 Feb 2009 10:08am

Opinions and times. We TDs would like some opinions where we can get a good tournout and have some fun for dominoes tournaments on a regular basis. Right now 8:30pm has been consistent for running but normally with only 4 players. BLOCK and +5 have been tried but players are in the main room and don't seem interested. Is there something of interest for the general VIP players to get those USITA players playing in tournaments? Please let us know for ideas.

Lets get-in-the-action
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 19 Mar 2009 9:46pm

Dominoes players. We will provide the tournaments if you players want to attend. Chek out the schedule and participate. Suggestions welcome as well. THe more the merrier and the better the prizes. Pass the word and support doms tournies. GL!

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Play dominoes tournaments online

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