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Backgammon horror stories-Got any to share?
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Backgammon horror stories-Got any to share?
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 25 Oct 2007 12:49pm

Fun thing about the forum is you hae a voice for good, bad or evil and let's use it. I am sure there are many interesting ones. Enjoy.

Crazy or what...
Posted by MightBeTime_xyi (VIP) 25 Oct 2007 6:25pm

This story starts out in a ladder match with the wonderful LadyAwe. Whoever wins this game wins the match.

Lady has man on my 1 behind a 5 pt prime from 2-6 pts, 2 men on her 8 pt and all the rest on the 1-2 and 3 pts and none off. I have the outside covered with 3 men and one on her 6 pt and one lose on my 5 pt making 3 there on the 5 pt.

I roll 4-1 and hit her to keep her form getting out. she rolls a 1-2 and gets 1 with a hit, and moves man from 3 to 1 spot. I don't get in the 1-2-3 board. she rolls 2-5 to hit man on 6 and safety to 1 pt. i dont' get either man on her 1-2-3 pr board and now have two on the bar. She rolls 5-1 to safety outside man but still stuck behind 5 pt board. i don't get one man in her 3 pt board for the 3rd straight time and she rolls rolls 6-2 to get out. I roll low and don't get one in her 3 pt board for the 4th straight time.

she has no options but one man to move and rolls 1-1 to hit two open men putting 4 on the bar. I dont' get one man in her 1-2-3 pt board for the 5th time in a row and she rolls 2-1 ro hit the last man outside to put 5 on the bar. I don't get one man in her 1-2-3 pt aobrd for the 5th time in a row. she rolls low and i don't get in for the 6th time in a row. She had but a 3 pt obad adn I stayed off 9 straight times and got backgammoned when I will win that game normally 4 out of 5 times or more without figuring it out. Stayed off a 1-2-3 pt board for 9 straight rolls . There were no 4s or 5s or 6s in nine rolls with two dice. Odds of that are 27 squared divided by 36. don't have a calculator but get that answer for u later. Fine game that was.

Posted by fair_game (VIP) 25 Oct 2007 7:56pm

Scary ones is when u have 1 left and yr opponent 4 left... 1 on 6...1 on 5...2 on 4 and yr opponent gets!!!

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