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Posted by rainneywtr29 (VIP) 11 Jul 2007 9:15pm

I'ts beginning to get a bit boring.... people grassing up players who "run". I take it to mean a player dosn't want to play another game after winning, which is entirely up to that individual and they may have reasons outwith they're control for not playing again, or not, whatever. Personally I like to play a few games with the same person, whether I win or not, but if someone leaves after winning although I appreciate it can be a bit annoying I get over it. (come on folks, its only a game)

Posted by akcarmona2006 (VIP) 13 Jul 2007 7:35am

I agree comepletely .......I have had players demanding a second game after I win, most of the time I comply, but if I dont its nothing personal.............get over it. I will play you again some other time, I am under no obligation to give rematch. Dont misunderstand me like I said most of the time I do but dont call me a poor sportsman (woman in this case lol) if I dont. thx for listening...faithfull GC player =)

Me Too....
Posted by Lacey (VIP) 13 Jul 2007 2:37pm

I often play more than one game, especially in dominoes, but feel no obligation to do so. Sometimes a player will say 2/3? and I always agree if I have the time, but if it's not decided ahead of time I certainly don't feel I owe them more games!! Sometimes I only have time for one.

Posted by YAC1 (VIP) 20 Jul 2007 3:54pm

i dont like that players...sorry

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