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Opinions Please
Play backgammon tournaments online
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Opinions Please
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 4 Sep 2006 10:27am

Backgammon tourneys have slowed down. Players opinions welcome. One reason is the low tix and low pts tournaments.

Some have told me they would like 5 pts and 7pt (cr) matches. Well 5 pts is fine if we can find them to get them back but 7 is long and could take hours with good turnouts. The standard 3pts(cr) used to get many participants and once stopped the players left. Can we reach them again? Your ideas are welcome. Ty

I agree
Posted by noodleshahn (VIP) 5 Sep 2006 11:15am

Three points seem like the ideal length to me.

Read the forum...pass the word.
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 11 Dec 2006 11:21pm

Feedback would be great but most players,especially the new ones don't know about the forum. Pass the word and give your input. Thx

BG Tourn
Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 13 Dec 2006 7:46pm

I agree 3 pt, or maybe once in awile 5 pt for 10 tix or so. I really don't understand the lack of interest in BG tournaments especially when you see people spending so much on individual games.

Posted by isidora (VIP) 21 Dec 2006 2:37pm

Maibe if the TD gonna make more tournaments we can join more but in last time is just one or none /day posted.Sometime we work or have some else to do ,if still gona be 1 tourney per day from where we can choose? (soory if the spelling is not good)

More Tournaments
Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 26 Dec 2006 9:42pm

We need to figure out a way to motivate more of the players who sit in the room all day wanting 50 tix games to come join us. Once a week would be a great time for 10-15 tix 5pt matches!

OK ....
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 26 Dec 2006 9:44pm

Some requests have been made for more tourneys and some asked for 10 TIX plus as well. I will try some Sunday night 8pm tourneys to see how many are interested. GL to all and keep giving us feedback. TY

Pass the word...
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 1 Jan 2007 2:23am

The BIGGER the BETTER. We have some real tourneys coming up every Sunday night at 8pm. Hope to see players jump in and make the PRIZES BIGGER than ever. GL to all and pass the word...

BIGGER PRIZES coming....
Posted by MagicGames (TD) 11 Jan 2007 11:54pm

Give your opinion on these two formats. "Sunday night special" will have a 10 tix entry with all rounds 3 pts(cr) with a 5pts(cr) final or a 5 pts all rounds for 12-15 tix. Check out the schedule and see which week is which but both are sunday evenings at 8pm. Let us know and hope you enjoy your games.

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