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Ladder Question
Posted by Capa5 18 Jun 2006 4:41am

I wonder when say mr_aleman plays BelfastBishop, what time they use. It seems from the score that it's BFB's 4 minutes. I wonder why mr_aleman doesn't play to his strength at 1 minute?

Posted by BelfastBishop (VIP) 19 Jun 2006 6:04pm

Each challenged player is entitled to set whatever table timing they desire, however, they may choose to accept the timing that the challenger requests.
Mr Aleman has played 3/0 and 4/0 games against me - that was his choice.
Either way I have always been grateful that he has accepted my challenges.
Im sure he may comment on this.

Posted by MrAleman (VIP) 21 Jun 2006 4:28pm

Until recently i didnt realise about this rule. I have been happy to play Belfast in these slightly longer games, even though so far i have lost. I would have a better chance in 1/0 i expect. We can do this timing if Belfast would be happy to do so

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