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May TOC TOURNEY schedules
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May TOC TOURNEY schedules
Posted by 1okaylady (TD) 22 May 2006 4:52am

TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS SCHEDULE FOR MAY..... Good News.......tournaments have been MOVED to the last weekend of each month....

Bad News (for some).....YOU MUST PLAY IN THE NAME YOU WON TOURNEY............NO EXCEPTIONS !!!!!!!!!!

FRIDAY MAY 26 6pm est.......DOMINOES 200 BLOCK.... 5 TIX

SATURDAY MAY 27 2pm est......GinRummy 175 PT OKIE LD 10 TIX

4pm est.............BackGammon 3 pt CR d/e 5 tix

7pm est CANASTA 5000 3F/W 5 TIX

SUNDAY MAY 28 2pm est.............POOL 2 PT 8 and 9 BALL LB...D/E 5 TIX

5pm est.............Cribbage 121 reg D/E 10 tix

CHESS WILL BEGIN NEXT get involved in tourney plays

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